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We recommend you to read

Water and ancient civilizations

Agua y civilizaciones antiguas

Water in the history of mankind

El agua en la historia de la humanidad

Water in the history of man’s civilization

El agua en la historia de la civilización del hombre

Water and civilization: learning from the past

Agua y civilización: aprender del pasado

The nine books of history
“Egypt, the gift of the Nile”


The Lady of the Nile

La dama del Nilo
By Pauline Gedge
Publisher: Pàmies

“Sixteen hundred years before Cleopatra, Hatshepsut reigned in Egypt, an extraordinary woman for her intelligence and beauty, and also for being the first in history to rule in a world dominated by men.”


Year 79 A.D. 48 hours to catastrophe
From Robert Harris

“Marcus Atilius Primo has just taken over the Aqua Augusta, the huge aqueduct that supplies drinking water to the quarter of a million inhabitants of the nine cities of the Bay of Naples, and for the first time in generations, the springs are running dry.”

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Hydraulic Engineering Throughout History

La ingeniería hidráulica a través de la historia

Ancient Mesopotamia, history and summary, easy and fun.

La antigua Mesopotamia, historia y resumen, fácil y divertido